Why Choose New England Solar Power

A Legacy of Solar Excellence: New England Solar Power

For over 25 years, New England Solar Power has been a pioneer in the solar energy industry, founded by Rob Taber in 1997. As a family-owned business, we’ve had the privilege of having three generations of passionate solar energy advocates at the helm, with Nick now leading the charge. Our commitment to delivering tailored solar solutions has remained unwavering, even before government incentives sparked widespread interest in the sector.

Experience You Can Trust

Unlike many companies that entered the market when government incentives were introduced, we’ve been dedicated to designing and installing high-quality solar systems that meet each customer’s unique needs since day one. Our local expertise and commitment to using only the best equipment have earned us a reputation for excellence. While over 750 solar companies in Australia have shut down since 2016, we remain a steadfast presence, dedicated to helping our customers harness the power of solar energy for years to come.

Tailored Solar Solutions

At New England Solar Power, we understand that every individual’s energy requirements are different. That’s why we take a personalised approach to solar energy solutions. Our expert team works closely with you to design and install a tailored solar system that meets your specific needs and goals.

Whether you’re a homeowner looking to reduce your energy bills or a business seeking to increase your bottom line, we’ll work with you to create a customised solar solution that suits your lifestyle, budget, and energy usage. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we’ll help you maximise your solar energy potential and enjoy the benefits of renewable energy for years to come.

High quality and reliable products

We’re committed to providing top-notch solar solutions that stand the test of time. That’s why we only use high-quality products from trusted manufacturers. We believe that quality is crucial for a reliable and efficient solar system, and we’re dedicated to delivering exceptional performance and durability.

Here are three reasons why quality is important:

Reliability: High-quality products ensure that your solar system operates consistently and efficiently, minimising the risk of breakdowns and downtime.

Durability: Quality products are built to last, withstanding harsh weather conditions and providing long-term performance and energy savings.

Peace of Mind: With quality products, you can trust that your solar system is safe, efficient, and compliant with industry standards, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your investment.

By choosing us, you can rest assured that your solar solution is built with quality products that will deliver exceptional performance and value for years to come.