Solar Storage Battery Solutions

Enhance your solar system - consider a solar storage battery

The solar battery landscape has undergone significant transformations in recent years, with remarkable advancements in energy density, technology, and affordability. As a result, an increasing number of homeowners are choosing to invest in a solar and battery combination, reaping the benefits of a more efficient and sustainable energy solution.

Solar storage batteries allows you to capture and store excess solar energy for use during nighttime, cloudy days, or periods of high energy demand, rather than exporting it to the grid at a lower value. Moreover, batteries provide backup power during grid outages and support your home’s energy needs during peak electricity rate periods, ensuring a reliable and consistent supply.

Additionally, as electric vehicle (EV) adoption continues to grow, solar batteries will play a crucial role in enabling homeowners to charge their vehicles at night using solar energy, further reducing reliance on the grid and mitigating peak energy demands.

Benefits of Solar Batteries

Maximise Solar Energy Usage

Store excess solar energy for later use, rather than exporting it to the grid at a lower value

Backup Power During Outages

Keep your lights on and your home running during grid outages or natural disasters.

Supports Electric Vehicle Charging

Charge your electric vehicle at night using stored solar energy, reducing your carbon footprint.

Increased Energy Independence

Store excess solar energy for use during the night or on cloudy days, reducing your reliance on the grid.

Increased electricity savings

Installing a solar storage battery can significantly increase your electricity bill savings in several ways. Firstly, it allows you to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use at night or during periods of low solar production, reducing your reliance on the grid and lowering your energy bills. By using stored solar energy to power your home during peak electricity rate periods, you can avoid paying premium rates for grid electricity.

Additionally, a solar storage battery enables you to optimise your energy usage by shifting your energy consumption to off-peak periods when energy rates are lower. This is known as “load shifting.” By storing excess energy during off-peak periods and using it during peak periods, you can reduce your energy costs and maximise your savings.

Furthermore, a solar storage battery can help you avoid paying for excess energy exported to the grid at a lower value. With a battery, you can store excess energy and use it when needed, rather than exporting it to the grid. This ensures that you get the full value of your generated solar energy, increasing your overall savings.

Overall, a solar storage battery is a smart investment for homeowners looking to maximise their electricity bill savings. By storing excess solar energy, optimising energy usage, and avoiding excess energy export, you can enjoy significant savings on your energy bills and reduce your reliance on the grid.


What are the benefits of battery storage?

Battery storage offers several benefits for homeowners and businesses with solar panel systems. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Increased energy independence: With battery storage, you can store excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day and use it at night or during power outages.
  2. Reduced energy bills: By storing energy and using it when needed, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your energy bills.
  3. Backup power during outages: Battery storage provides a reliable source of backup power during grid outages, ensuring your essential appliances remain operational.
  4. Peak demand management: Battery storage can help manage peak demand charges by reducing energy consumption during peak hours.
  5. Extended solar usage: With battery storage, you can use solar energy even when the sun isn’t shining, maximising your solar investment.
  6. Improved grid resilience: Battery storage helps stabilise the grid by absorbing excess energy and providing energy when needed.
  7. Reduced carbon footprint: By storing and using solar energy, you can reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and lower your carbon emissions.

Overall, battery storage enhances the benefits of solar energy, providing greater energy independence, cost savings, and environmental sustainability.

Is battery storage safe?

Battery storage for solar systems in Australia is generally safe when used correctly. While there are potential risks, modern safety features and proper installation minimise them.

Main Risks:

Fire and explosion: Lithium-ion batteries, the most common type, can overheat under extreme circumstances, though built-in protections and proper ventilation lessen this risk.

Electrical shock: Battery systems contain high voltages. Qualified installation and avoiding tampering with the unit are crucial.

Safety Measures:

Look for reputable installers: New England Solar Power use certified batteries and follow safety standards.

Proper ventilation: Allow for airflow around the battery unit to prevent overheating.

Placement: Keep batteries out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.

Follow manufacturer’s guidelines: Don’t attempt to modify or repair the unit yourself.

Overall, with proper precautions, battery storage offers a safe and reliable way to maximise your solar energy use.

How long do solar batteries last?

Solar batteries are a fantastic way to store excess energy generated by your photovoltaic (PV) panels, boosting your home’s energy independence. But how long do these batteries last in the sunny Australian climate?

Typical Lifespan: Australian solar batteries typically last between 5 and 15 years. This depends on various factors like battery chemistry, depth of discharge, and cycle frequency.

Factors Affecting Battery Life:

Battery Chemistry: Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are the current standard, offering a longer lifespan than lead-acid batteries.

Depth of Discharge (DoD): The percentage of battery capacity used per cycle. Lower DoD extends battery life.

Cycle Frequency: The number of complete charge-discharge cycles a battery goes through. More frequent cycling reduces lifespan.

Maximising Battery Life:

Partial Discharges: Avoid fully discharging the battery regularly. Aim for a DoD of 20-80% for optimal longevity.

Minimise Heat: High temperatures degrade batteries faster. Ensure proper ventilation around the unit.

What to Expect:

Warranty: Most reputable Australian solar battery providers offer warranties of 10-12 years, often with capacity guarantees.

Replacement: Plan to replace your battery system within your solar panel’s 25+ year lifespan.

By understanding these factors and implementing best practices, you can extend the life of your solar battery and maximise your investment in solar power storage.

Can I expand my solar storage system in the future?

Good news, in many cases, you can expand your solar battery storage system in the future!

Factors to Consider for Expandability:

System Design: Discuss future expansion possibilities with New England Solar Power during the initial system design phase.

Inverter Capacity: Ensure your inverter can handle the additional power output from future battery expansion.

Modular Battery Systems: Look for solar battery systems designed to be easily scalable with additional battery modules.

Manufacturer Compatibility: Verify if future battery modules need to be from the same brand as your existing system.


Benefits of Expandable Storage:

Growing Energy Needs: Accommodate increased power demands from new appliances or electric vehicles.

Technology Advancements: Integrate future battery technology with potentially higher capacity or faster charging.

Maximise Self-Consumption: Store more solar energy for greater energy independence from the grid.

By planning ahead, you can ensure your solar battery system grows alongside your energy needs, allowing you to enjoy the sunshine’s power for years to come!