Off-Grid Solar Systems

Reliable Off-Grid Solar Solutions - Become fully energy independent

If you’re living in Armidale or a surrounding rural area, connecting to the main power grid can be a significant challenge sometimes. Fortunately, New England Solar Power offers dependable off-grid solar systems in Armidale and nearby regions, providing you with the power you need without the hefty price tag.

How Off-Grid works and why you should always choose quality

Off-grid solar systems are a reliable and sustainable solution for generating electricity, especially for remote or rural areas where connection to the main grid is not feasible. These systems utilises the power of the sun, converting it into electrical energy through photovoltaic (PV) panels. The PV panels are connected to a charging controller, which regulates the energy flow to a solar storage battery. This stored energy is then inverted into usable electricity for your home or business.

Using quality and reliable hardware is crucial for an off-grid solar system to function efficiently and effectively. High-quality PV panels and inverters ensure maximum energy output, while a robust battery bank provides a stable power supply. A reliable system also requires a durable and weather-resistant mounting structure, capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions.

In addition, quality hardware reduces the risk of system failures, minimising downtime and the need for costly repairs. It also ensures compliance with safety standards, protecting people and property from potential electrical hazards. Furthermore, reliable hardware extends the lifespan of your off-grid solar system, providing a long-term solution for your energy needs. By investing in quality hardware, you can enjoy the benefits of sustainable energy, reduced energy costs, and increased energy independence.

Benefits of Off-Grid Solar Systems

Energy Independence

Off-grid solar systems allow you to generate your own electricity, reducing your reliance on the grid and providing energy independence.


Off-grid solar systems can save you money on your energy bills, especially if you live in a remote area where grid connection is not available or is very expensive.

Backup Power During Outage

Off-grid solar systems can provide backup power during grid outages, ensuring you have electricity when you need it most.

Remote Power Solution

Off-grid solar systems are ideal for remote areas where grid connection is not available, providing a reliable source of power for homes, businesses, and communities.

Maintaining your Off-Grid solar system

Unlike grid-connected systems, off-grid solar systems require a different approach to maintenance. With off-grid solar, your system is your sole source of energy, making regular maintenance crucial to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Think of it as preventative medicine for your power source.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your system operating at peak efficiency, maximising energy capture from sunlight. This translates to sufficient power generation, even during extended cloudy periods. Our expert technicians at New England Solar Power can identify and address minor issues before they become major problems, potentially leaving you without power for days.

By investing in routine maintenance, you not only keep the lights on but also safeguard the lifespan of your entire system. Cleaned panels capture more sunlight, while inspections ensure proper battery health and inverter functionality. This proactive approach minimises the risk of sudden breakdowns, saving you from costly repairs and potential replacement needs down the line.

If you’re experiencing any issues with your off-grid solar system or need assistance with maintenance, don’t hesitate to contact New England Solar Power. Our friendly and experienced team is always available to help. Call us today to schedule a maintenance check or repair service, and ensure your off-grid solar system continues to provide reliable power for your home or business.


What is the difference between off-grid and on-grid solar?

The main difference between off-grid and on-grid solar energy systems lies in their connection to the utility grid. On-grid systems are connected to the grid, allowing you to sell excess energy back to the utility company and draw energy from the grid when needed. Off-grid systems, on the other hand, are not connected to the grid and rely solely on solar power and battery storage for energy.

With on-grid systems, you’ll receive credits for excess energy produced and can use those credits to offset your energy bills. Off-grid systems, however, require a larger upfront investment in battery storage to ensure a reliable energy supply when the sun isn’t shining.

On-grid systems are ideal for urban areas with reliable grid connections, while off-grid systems are better suited for rural areas with limited or no grid access. Ultimately, the choice between on-grid and off-grid solar depends on your energy needs, location, and preferences.

Is off-grid solar a viable way to power your home?

Yes, off-grid solar is a viable way to power your home, especially for rural residents in Australia. With the advancement of solar technology and decreasing costs, off-grid solar systems have become a reliable and efficient option for generating electricity.

Off-grid solar systems use solar panels to generate electricity, which is then stored in batteries for use when needed. This means you can power your home, even when the sun isn’t shining. With a properly designed and installed system, you can enjoy a consistent and reliable source of energy, independent of the grid.

Off-grid solar is particularly suitable for rural areas where the grid connection is distant or unreliable. It’s also a great option for those who want to reduce their carbon footprint, enjoy energy independence, and save money on their electricity bills.

However, it’s important to note that off-grid solar requires careful planning and consideration. You’ll need to assess your energy needs, choose the right components, and ensure proper installation and maintenance. Additionally, off-grid solar systems typically require a larger upfront investment compared to on-grid systems.

Despite these considerations, many Australians are already enjoying the benefits of off-grid solar power. With the right expertise and equipment, you can too. So, if you’re looking for a reliable, sustainable, and cost-effective way to power your home, off-grid solar is definitely worth considering.

What are the important considerations before choosing off-grid solar?

Before choosing off-grid solar, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. First, assess your energy needs and usage patterns to determine the size of the system you require. This includes calculating your daily energy requirements, taking into account factors like appliances, lighting, and heating or cooling needs. We at New England Solar Power can assist you with determining all of these factors.

Next, evaluate your solar resource and site conditions, including the amount of sunlight your location receives, shading, and roof orientation. This will help determine the number and type of solar panels needed.

Battery storage is another critical component of off-grid solar, as it provides energy when the sun isn’t shining. Consider the type and size of batteries, as well as their lifespan and maintenance requirements.

Inverter selection is also crucial, as it converts DC power from the solar panels to AC power for your home. Look for a high-efficiency inverter with a good warranty.

Additionally, consider the cost and quality of the system, including the panels, batteries, inverter, and mounting hardware. A high-quality system may cost more upfront but will provide better performance and longevity.

Finally, ensure you have a proper installation and maintenance plan in place, including regular monitoring and repair services. This will help ensure your system operates at maximum efficiency and extends its lifespan.

By carefully considering these factors, you can design and install an off-grid solar system that meets your energy needs and provides reliable, sustainable power for years to come.

What is it like living with an off-grid solar system?

Living off an off-grid solar system requires a mindset shift and some lifestyle adjustments to ensure a harmonious and sustainable relationship with your energy source. One of the primary changes is to become more energy conscious, being mindful of your energy usage and making conscious choices to reduce consumption.

This may involve simple changes like using energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and turning off lights and electronics when not in use. You may also need to adapt your daily routines, such as doing laundry or running dishwashers during peak sun hours when energy is abundant.

Another significant change is to embrace a more seasonal and weather-dependent lifestyle. On cloudy or rainy days, you may need to reduce energy usage or rely on backup power sources like generators or batteries. This might mean postponing energy-intensive activities or using alternative cooking methods like gas stoves.

Additionally, off-grid living often requires a greater sense of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. You may need to take on tasks like maintaining your solar system, monitoring energy usage, and troubleshooting issues.

Overall, the lifestyle changes required for off-grid solar living can be transformative and rewarding, offering a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature and adopt a more sustainable and mindful way of living.