Why should I go solar?

Going solar is a smart decision for homeowners and businesses alike! Not only does solar energy offer a clean and renewable source of power, but it also provides numerous financial and environmental benefits.

By using the sun’s energy, you can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid and lower your electricity bills.

In fact, solar panels can save you thousands of dollars over their lifespan. Additionally, solar energy is a sustainable and eco-friendly option, producing no greenhouse gas emissions or pollution. This means you’ll be doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Furthermore, solar panels are durable and require minimal maintenance, making them a hassle-free option.

With government incentives and financing options available, going solar has never been more accessible. So why wait? Make the switch to solar today and start enjoying the many benefits of renewable energy.

How long will my solar panels last?

Solar panels are designed to last for many years, and their lifespan is typically estimated to be around 25-30 years or more. In fact, most solar panel manufacturers warrant their products for 25 years or more, and some even offer warranties for up to 30 years or more.

This means that you can expect your solar panels to continue generating electricity at a high level of efficiency for at least 25 years.

Additionally, solar panels are built to withstand various environmental conditions, including extreme temperatures, humidity, and weather events. They are also designed to be durable and resistant to degradation, ensuring that they will continue to perform well over their lifespan.

It’s worth noting that while solar panels themselves may last for 25-30 years or more, other components of your solar panel system, such as inverters, may need to be replaced after 10-15 years. However, this is a relatively simple and cost-effective process.

Overall, solar panels are a long-lasting and reliable source of renewable energy, and with proper maintenance, they can continue to generate electricity for many years to come.

What are the financial benefits of going solar?

Going solar offers numerous financial benefits that can save you thousands of dollars over the lifespan of your solar panel system. Here are some of the key financial advantages of switching to solar:

Reduced Electricity Bills: Solar panels generate free electricity, reducing your reliance on the grid and lowering your electricity bills.

Increased Property Value: Installing solar panels can increase your property value, making your home more attractive to potential buyers if you decide to sell.

Government Incentives: The Australian government offers rebates and incentives for homeowners and businesses that install solar panel systems.

Low Maintenance Costs: Solar panels require minimal maintenance and are designed to last for 25 years or more, reducing repair and replacement costs.

Hedge Against Rising Energy Costs: Solar panels provide a fixed energy cost, protecting you from rising electricity prices.

Potential Income Stream: You can sell excess energy back to the grid and receive a feed-in tariff, generating a potential income stream.

By switching to solar, you can enjoy significant financial benefits and reduce your reliance on the grid. Contact us to learn more about how going solar can save you money.

What is a feed-in tariff?

A feed-in-tariff is the amount your electricity retailer pays you for any electricity your solar system generates that you don’t use and is fed back into the grid. Feed-in tariffs differ depending on where you live.

Do solar panels work in a blackout?

In the event of a blackout, your solar panel system will shut off if connected to the grid. However, certain inverters provide backup power when paired with a battery.

If you would like to discuss battery options for your home please contact our team.

How do I know if my roof is suitable for solar?

Determining if your roof is suitable for solar is a crucial step in the process of going solar. Here are some factors to consider:

Orientation: A north-facing roof is ideal, but east- and west-facing roofs can also work well.

Shading: Shading from trees, buildings, or other obstructions can impact solar panel performance.

Condition: Your roof should be in good condition, with no significant damage or wear.

Material: Most roofs are suitable, but some materials like slate or clay tiles may require special consideration.

Pitch: A pitch between 15-40 degrees is ideal, but solar panels can be installed on roofs with a pitch as low as 5 degrees.

Our team of experts will assess your roof’s suitability during a free consultation. We’ll evaluate your roof’s orientation, shading, size, condition, material, and pitch to determine if it’s a good fit for solar. If your roof isn’t suitable, we can discuss alternative options, such as a ground-mounted system. Contact us to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards harnessing the power of solar energy!

I already have a solar system installed, can I add on a battery?

Yes, you can add a battery to your existing solar system! This process is called a “retrofit” and it’s a great way to upgrade your system and enjoy even more benefits from your solar investment. Adding a battery to your existing solar system allows you to store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during power outages. This can provide you with backup power when you need it most and can also help you reduce your reliance on the grid.

  • The process of adding a battery to your existing solar system typically involves:
  • Assessing your current system to determine compatibility
  • Selecting the right battery solution for your needs
  • Installing the battery and necessary equipment
  • Integrating the battery with your existing solar system

Our team of experts can help you determine the best battery solution for your existing solar system and guide you through the process from start to finish. Contact us to learn more about adding a battery to your existing solar system and start enjoying the added benefits of energy storage.

What is a Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC)?

STCs are government incentives that help reduce the upfront cost of installing your solar system. The value of STCs your system receives differs depending on its size and location.

To be eligible for STCs, your solar system must be installed by a Clean Energy Council accredited installer.

For more information on STCs, visit the Clean Energy Regulator website or download their guides for households or businesses.

What is a Large Scale Generation Certificate (LGC)?

Large Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) are a form of currency in Australia’s renewable energy market. They’re essentially tradable certificates issued for each megawatt-hour of clean electricity produced by accredited solar farms.

Businesses can buy LGCs to fulfil their mandatory renewable energy targets or for voluntary sustainability goals. This system incentivises investment in large-scale solar power by allowing companies to offset their carbon footprint and potentially reduce energy costs, while supporting the growth of clean energy in Australia.