Commercial Solar

Consider solar for your business today

There are some key reasons that make commercial solar an attractive option for businesses. Firstly, commercial solar installations are typically larger in scale, requiring more panels and a more complex system. This means businesses can generate more energy and reduce their reliance on the grid even further.

Additionally, commercial solar installations often require more advanced technology, such as tracking systems and energy storage solutions, to optimise energy production and reduce energy costs.

Perhaps most importantly, commercial solar installations can provide a significant return on investment (ROI) for businesses, through reduced energy costs and increased property value. In fact, many businesses can recoup their investment in as little as 3-5 years. With commercial solar, businesses can not only reduce their environmental impact but also improve their bottom line.

Overall, commercial solar offers unique benefits and advantages that make it an attractive choice for businesses looking to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and improve their sustainability.

Benefits of Commercial Solar

Reduced Energy Costs

Generate free energy and reduce your reliance on the grid, saving thousands on your energy bills.

Environmental Benefits

Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a sustainable future, enhancing your reputation and brand.

Government Incentives

Take advantage of government rebates and incentives, reducing the upfront cost of installation.

Marketing Opportunities

Showcase your commitment to sustainability and enhance your brand's reputation, attracting customers and talent who value environmental responsibility.

The Rise of Commercial Solar in Armidale

The trend of commercial solar is on the rise in Armidale and surrounding regions, as businesses seek to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint. With the cost of solar panels decreasing and energy prices increasing, commercial solar has become a viable and attractive option for businesses of all sizes. In fact, many businesses in the region are already using the power of solar energy to power their operations, reducing their reliance on the grid and saving thousands on their energy bills.

Commercial solar installations offer a range of benefits, including reduced energy costs, increased energy independence, and a reduced carbon footprint. Additionally, businesses can take advantage of government incentives and rebates, making the transition to solar even more attractive. Whether you’re a small business or a large commercial operation, commercial solar is definitely worth considering. So why wait? Join the growing list of businesses in the region who are already reaping the benefits of commercial solar.


What kind of solar system suits my business?

The type of solar system that suits your business depends on several factors, including your energy usage, roof size and condition, budget, and business goals. Here are some considerations to help determine the right solar system for your business:

Energy usage: Assess your energy consumption patterns to determine the size of the solar system you need. A system that matches your energy usage will maximise your savings.

Roof size and condition: Ensure your roof has enough space for the solar panels and is in good condition to support the system’s weight.

Budget: Determine how much you can invest in a solar system and explore financing options if needed.

Business goals: Consider your environmental goals, energy independence, and potential return on investment.

System type: Choose between a rooftop solar system, ground-mounted solar system, or a solar carport, depending on your available space and energy needs.

Monitoring and maintenance: Consider a system with monitoring capabilities and a maintenance plan to ensure optimal performance.

By evaluating these factors, you can determine the most suitable solar system for your business, maximising your energy savings and environmental benefits. Consult with New England Solar power to get personalised advice for your specific situation.

How much does a commercial solar system cost compared to a standard residential system?

Commercial solar systems are generally more expensive than residential systems due to their larger size and higher capacity. The cost of a commercial solar system varies depending on the location, size, and type of solar panels, as well as other factors such as installation complexity and local incentives. While residential solar systems are designed to be more affordable and aesthetically pleasing, commercial solar systems are designed to provide a higher amount of power and are typically more cost-effective in the long run. The cost of a commercial solar system is often proportionally lower per unit of energy produced compared to a residential system.